I've been visiting with the OB Doctor in Kapsowar at the hospital where I am going. Getting some details about their needs, what shoes I need to bring, etc. etc. She said last month they delivered 200 babies!!! With a shortage of staff and less students than normal, she said we don't ever have slow times! The labor and delivery ward, not only deals with laboring moms, the delivery, but then the postpartum moms too that stay from 2-5 days after. There is also a NICU of sorts where babies that need extra help go.
These are only some of the receiving blankets I'm bringing. We had collected them when I was heading over last year, when things went different than expected and I ended up going to Uganda instead. I had brought some of the supplies to Uganda, but wasn't able to bring them all. So I still lots of stuff to bring this trip, plus I've been ordering a few items on Amazon, along with some medical supplies.
I have so much to do from figuring out scrubs, supplies to bring, house sitters, prenatal appointments, making sure all the bills are paid, the list is so very long!!!