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6 family visits!

I had the most amazing day today! My heart seems all over the place with joy and hurt too!

With money people donated for education I was able to sponsor 3 children.

Yesterday I sat down with the coordinator that is in charge of the sponsorship program and asked her a ton of questions. The ones I knew you might ask. Like does all the money go to the children. What happens when the child goes to high school and the cost goes up? Do we know if they have enough food to eat?, as a hungry child won't do good in school. what happens if a child isn't doing good in school?

She gave me all these answers and more. I am very impressed how they run things here. This is one of those ministry's that you can actually visit at anytime, they are truly doing what they are saying. They love these kids and families and personally make sure they are being taken care of.

So first here is the miracle. I'm still in shock! But God is real and he's really good!

There is a lady I connected with. Her name is Annette. I've seen her several times since being here. She has had a super hard life, and yet God has come through for her over and over. She has the joy of the Lord radiating through her.

So yesterday when I was about to pick the 3 kids, I asked if her children had already been sponsored and she looked through her stuff and said it looks like they are. So I went through the list ( of kids and just picked 3 kids.

This afternoon we were going to go visit these families and tell them they were sponsored, let me meet the kids and the moms, etc. So the first one is Hope. I had just randomly picked her out. But as we are driving out to the house, I'm thinking "this looks familiar" Sure enough, it was Anntes house!!! I picked one of her children on accident! Haha, no accident! God ordained this. The mom grabbed me, and with tears of joy was so, so excited. She held on to me so tight! I said, I think the Lord made us friends and she said your my mama!!!

Just picture you have a child of 8 years old and you work full time in the fields with your baby on your back and only one meal a day, of mostly starch. You are trying so hard to save enough money to put your kids through school. But it's way more then you can afford. She's been doing this alone as her husband was not faithful. Annette also had lost 2 children a few years back too. Someone comes to you and says they are going to pay for this daughter to go though school. It's like saying, we are giving your daughter a chance to get out of this poverty. Without schooling, she won't be able to get a job as an adult. With schooling she has so much that opens up to her.

The next mom, it was the same. She was so excited. She cried and hugged all of us!!! Edward wants to be a doctor! Now he has a chance to do that! This is Edwards house and his mom in the red. She has a little stand trying to sell a few items in front of her house.

Moses mom, lives at the school cleaning, so he can go to school some. But that doesn't pay for all of it. I know this might sound like an advertisement, but we buy so many things in America and today I saw and felt something so deep, nothing like when I get a new item. This was a joy you can't describe!

I also met 3 more kids that still need sponsors. The one mom has 5 children and Show mercy helped her build a house because she had no where to live, as her husband abandoned her

3 of the kids are in the program, but this one said to one of the staff ladies, "Auntie, can't I go to school too?" This is Muhammed and his mother Nusura.

They are such a sweet family. She is a hardworking mother, had pigs in the back yard and a garden.

This is Favor: He lives with a foster mother that loves her very much. His mother died when he was only 7 month old. This is a picture of the inside of his house too.

Then last one we saw today was Silas. He was living with his grandmother, but she says she cannot keep him anymore. So he's staying with someone else. He's in pretty desperate need for some help. He's 9 years old.

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