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Writer's pictureJoyce

Birthday in Kenya!!!

Well it's only 3:30 but I've already had an incredible birthday today! I woke up to my kids/grandkids etc. each sending me a happy birthday video! How fun that was! Such a cool way to start the day!!!

After having a relaxing morning, reading, praying, eating, sipping tea etc. I decided to head to the hospital. Only having 4 days left I'm starting to feel sad about leaving!

As I'm walking in, these 4 little children run up to me to shake my hand. They were only about 3-4 yrs old I'm guessing. They were eating corn, like we would be eating an apple.

Then one of the ladies that sells produce by the side of the road says "hi Joyce" and introduces me to her children. Her children were carrying bundles of sticks on their back, so they will have fuel for cooking etc. They put their bundles down for the picture. I'm going to miss her cheerful hello each day and the amazing peppers etc.

So I walk in the hospital and Brenda (a student nurse) waves me down and says " there were 6 births last night and 2 this morning, one of those twins" "No C Sections, no episiotomies and only 2 small tears!" We did a little dance and hugged! I know that might be a little more information than some want to hear, but it's a huge stepping stone! It's huge that this has changed! I'm sure when Tracy reads this she will be doing a dance too!!! Tracy is another midwife that came just before me, and we are both teaching the same things, and they are starting to pick up on it! It's so exciting to see the change for these mama's! Brenda brought me right over to see the twins and they looked so healthy and already breastfeeding! What a night they had!

The students sung me happy birthday and I had a couple of apples for them! I'm going to miss them so much!

Since no one else was in labor, I decided to go on a shopping trip! I just wanted to walk through "town" slowly and see everything. I was informed it's called "Center". Later this was explained to me, there are only 3 cities in Kenya. Then to become a town you have to be a certain size. Kapsowar is not a town yet. So I was going to "center".

There are several people in front of their shops with treadle sewing machines. I told them, that is like my grandmothers machine. If you pick the fabric, they will sew you any style dress or skirt you choose.

I visited with a young lady buying some sheep meat. I told her "sheep" is very expensive in America and she was so surprised. It seems like it's one of the cheaper meats here.

I bought some pretty purses and spices and I actually found the ATM and thought I typed in that I wanted $100, but it's so easy to get confused. I ended up with only $10 ($1000 shillings) and I had to pay a $4 fee!

On the way back I decided to stop at "elegance hotel". It's a restaurant. There are several in town. They say HOTEL, which means restaurant. If your on an adventure you want to experience a restaurant meal I figured. I went through the alley way and there were tables and a waitress found me a seat at a table with other people. You don't get your own table. I ordered beans and chipotle and a bottle of water. It was very good and I had a very nice visit with a man at the table. He was born and raised here. Went away for school, but was surprised that people move around in America. He said basically if you are born somewhere in Africa, thats where you live your life. So my meal cost me $110 or about $1.10.

So tonight is pizza night and a bon fire at the long term missionary's house for all us American volunteers.

Who could ask for a better birthday then to be in Africa doing what I always wanted to do!

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