Fantastic week! Teaching theatre tech students one day, nurses another day, students another day and the advanced students a whole different class! It's kept me busy and worn out. I sleep good at night and don't have much time for anything else. Except making some healthy dinners and enjoying some company each evening too!

I haven't had time to spend time in the maternity ward this trip. But happy to be doing what I'm doing with teaching.
I give each class the pep talk about making changes in our facility to update to current practices.
Besides the basic course of Helping babies breathe, I add in: still birth prevention, (kick counts, AST's, diet) skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, emergency calls to doctor, etc.
We cover a lot of topics, show a lot of videos and do a lot of hands-on Scenarios to practice. At this point, I have about three or four more days of teaching and then I'll need to make sure all our supplies that we brought get passed to the right person and pack things up our teaching supplies so they'll safely to be here for the next time I come or someone else teaches.
We have a baby shower planned for one of the staff missionaries on Friday at our house and we still have one big family to have over for dinner on Wednesday.
It's been such a busy few weeks and can't believe I only have one more week left of time here at the hospital.

This little sweet baby died in his moms arms. He lived 3 days, but his little lungs just could not make it. This is the 3rd baby to pass since I've been here. It's so hard on the Doctors who try everything they can.