It was a very long trip home! 30 hours in lines, squished airplanes, walking through airports, lack of sleep and I left my guard down in Nairobi when it comes to being careful about fruit etc. Because my stomach was not happy.
I got to Kalispell and slept at Moriah's. And woke up to a lady in labor. I didn't have the strength yet! But the Lord is faithful and has everything in control.
Had a quick visit with a few kids/grandkids and off to home I went where all I wanted to do was sleep!
A few pictures from the last day in Nairob.
The Amsterdam airport was so nice! They even have free showers there. I had a 4 hour layover and with a lovely bakery I go a croissants and a cup of coffee.
I love all the blue and white Dutch print on so many things.
Those tulip look so real but they were actually made of rubber.