I got on the road after a very nice breakfast and swim this morning.
I did a little bit more of my classes, but I ran out of time quickly and had to check out by 11.
I started driving towards Portland, and realized how dry and ugly it is in this east part of Oregon. It's amazing because so fast as I got further on that road, it became prettier till I eventually hit the Multnomah Falls area and it was so incredibly lush and beautiful. The transformation in a short hour drive was incredible. I took the detour driving on skinny roads to drive through this thick beautiful forest and a stop to see the falls.
I also stopped to get a burger in the Dalles area. It was like an old-fashioned burger place I think people should know about.
One truck that passed me was completely full of carrots, and another one was completely full of corn. I'm not sure I've ever seen so many carrots in one spot. Now my favorite stop! IKEA!
This store is my favorite! It's a Swedish store. So of course I had to get some meatballs!
I looked forward to spending some time here. If you've never been to an IKEA, there's tons of household items to help you organize, there's pretty things to hang in your house or to cover your beds. Everything is so practical and useful for small areas. It's just a fun house store and prices are reasonable. Plus they give you ideas and examples for every item they have.
I was pretty tired once I got there, so I'm going to plan to come back the next day!