After we left Spain, we flew on to Catania, Sicily. The flights are super cheap over here between countries, but they are very strict with luggage requirements and very long lines. So it’s a long day even though the flight was only 2.5 hours.
About 3.5 years ago I made my first trip to Sicily. I am so excited to bring family back with me.
Both my mothers parents were from Sicily.
My grandma and her familwas from a small town in the mountains. My grandfather in Augusta, and Great grandfather in Syracuse. It's so amazing to be standing in some place and realize my grandparent also stood here more then 100 yrs ago!

The first day of our trip we went straight up to Villarosa in the mountains, in a rented car. My sister June was driving 😬🤪😳. She’s a great driver, but the roads are very scary! The round abouts, skinny roads and sharp sudden turns! Whew! Praise Jesus we made it!
We ate at "Casa Mia" and then checked in to the only hotel in town where I stayed before, called the “Hollywood bed and breakfast “
The next morning our Bed and breakfast hosts were so fun! She had delicious breakfast for us and of course, coffee. Lots of loud, hand waving conversations! Loud talking 'at' our phone for google translate. Lots of laughing! She remembers me from 2019 visit and we laughed at the pictures I took with her back then. This is Francesca and her sister Luccia. Francesca husband is a craftsman and also does glasswork Beautiful work throughout their place here.
They are sure they know our cousins and say they are in the olive fields making oil right now. But if we come back they will set up a time for us to meet them.
. I couldn’t believe we were all the same height! I realized it’s very normal here! Now we know where our family short genes are from!

In 1918 my grandmother became the first postmistress in Villarosa. It was the first women in that position. So we went to the post office to get some postcard stamps and to stand in the place where my grandmother worked so over 100 years ago! (assuming the Post office is in the same place)
There are chairs in there and the line doesn't seem to move. But it's a social thing too, and everyone stands arounds and talks, we had a nice visit with a girl in college while we waited. .Finally it was my turn after about 20-30 min or so, I asked him for the postcard stamps and he said come back in 15 min. so we went and looked about town and in about 25 min later we come back to the post office and the girl is still sitting in the same chair and the line hasn't moved!! She said "this is Italy, you have to expect it". So the postman calls me up and says he has my stamps. I told him about my grandma and they all thought that was pretty special. He gave me some antique envelopes.
Next we decided to go up to the graveyard. It was quite the ride up there, because although google maps can direct you up there, they don't tell you how skinny the road is, or how steep. We ended up after a hairpin turn, going up a very skinny, brick street that was very steep. Mind you, they only have stick shifts in Italy. So about half way up this skinny steep brick road, my sister killed the engine and we were stuck. Every time she tried to go, we went backwards. After several tries and much heart pounding, she finally got it. I'm not sure any of us could have done any better, because Monica and Tyler barely have driven stick shifts, and June and I are both qualified, but it was just super tough! The pictures doesn't show how skinny or steep, but you can get the idea!

We made it in once piece to the grave yard. Although since my grandparents came to America, and the graveyard records don't go old enough for my great, great relatives to be there. We enjoyed seeing the amazing little houses each family has though. They build like a little house for the whole family to be buried in. There is ussally room for 6 caskets it seems.

After the graveyard it was time to head down to Syracuse.