When a new year rolls around I like to review the past year and look back. See what I did, what I learned, where God showed me stuff, remind myself what he spoke to me, where I think he’s leading me for the next year.
As I get older I feel like the years are flying by and there could be so few left. I want so badly to make good use of my time. Enjoying every minute of life! No more complaining and focusing on sad, scary, stressful, awful things. But focusing on the good, pure, lovely, good report things. Learning to appreciate people and blessings, love in an extreme fashion, making time to visit and be kind to others. Pouring out love and care on the all the sweet mamas I serve, family, friends.

My over view or highlights of the year 2022:
It started out with a super busy month. I had 4 babies due in January, plus my youngest son wedding. I also had a class scheduled to attend to finish my certification to teach “helping mothers survive- bleeding after birth”.
The months just before this we had 3 weddings in our family, so James was the last one of the group 4 all getting married in one year! My 2 youngest sons and my 2 oldest grandsons.
In Feb, I went to a tiny town in the middle of Idaho to teach some classes to midwifery students for 3 days, then took another couple days at St Gertrude at a monastery for some rest and refresh days. Also meeting up with some of the family in McCall Id, where they happened to be having a snowmobile outing.
2 babies in March and then there was the homeschool theater. Mishael and I made lunch for the actors and crew. A highlight of every year to watch my very talented grandchildren and friends do a professional production.
Still working on the "spec" house. A house we are building just to sell. But the best part of that project is all the time I get to hang out with family that comes up to help or needs a tea party while their parents are working!
April and May was super busy with babies! 8 moms due in those two months!!!! Thankfully I had a great apprentice who could help me! We had prenatal class with lunch and postpartum class with lunch too. Lots of wonderful moms and babies!
Had my 20th grand baby in April! She's such a sweetie and big brother is loving her!
In May we had the "go midwife" school come up and stay with me for a week while I taught them classes for 3 days.
We were still in the process of finishing the “spec” house.
That was a year long project that took a lot of time and energy.

In June, we finished it up and praise the Lord got it sold. Working on this caused a lot of trips for Gina's family up here, but it was fun to have the extra time with them. Having tea parties with the boys, or a variety of other stuff.
I hired someone to thin some trees in my back yard, so I had some major yard renovations. I loved starting my garden and my on going love for fixing up my yard!
July, Aug: My goal for the summer was to have grandkids up and we got to do that a few times. Enjoy my back porch and have family and friends over! Prenatal luncheon and Postpartum parties. I got to go help with the camp in Browning, cooking! Several times Moriah planned camp outs and I would either go for the day or the night and hang out with family. We had lots of family time this summer!
Sept brought fall work and getting ready to leave for Dominican Republic. Gathering supplies, harvesting the garden a bit early, making sure rentals were taken care of for the winter.
The list was crazy along with 2 sept births too.
Then Oct was here and I was off on a huge adventure. Spending 2 weeks in Dominican Republic on a mission trip, that was very different than I expected, but a great experience.
But after only being gone 2 weeks and having a travel bug, I found a flight to Spain for only $280! I met some family there and we had the greatest adventure Spain, Italy, Malta, Chicago and then ending the trip in KY at a mission conference!
I loved every bit of the trip and God confirmed in my heart to continue mission trips with Samaritan purse: World medical missions. So coming back in Nov, to Thanksgiving, 2 more births and then Christmas with another birth on the tail end of the year 12/29 a healthy little girl!
I couldn't have asked for a better year! God has blessed me in so many ways! Grown me up and spoke to me so many times!
It would take a book if I told you all the things God spoke to me during this year. But my devotional from the end of the year was on this verse:
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear: I will help you." Is 41:13
For this God is our God for ever and evermore: he will be our guide even to the end PS 49: 14
My life is full of so many things, so many lovely ministry opportunities, so many wonderful friends, an incredible family,
I'm so excited to see where He guides me this year while He continues to hold my hand. I could not walk through this life without Him. I grasp hard to his hand through all the scary spots, the lovely spots, the confusing spots. If nothing else he has shown me again and again, it is His great love for us. He cares for us, He will chase us, He will teach us, even if it mean us going through uncomfortable situations.
Is 41:10 Have no fear, for I am with you; do not be looking about in trouble, for I am your God; I will give you strength, yes, I will be your helper; yes, my true right hand will be your support.
