We had a full day class with Theater students. Here they call the operating room "Theater".
The principle of the school would like to have all his students go through the Helping babies breathe class, because they all go from one ward, to the next while students. But also in the OR they are often in charge of the newborns from C Sections.
It was a fun class and surprised me first thing with being on time. It's very rare to have a class show up all at once on time. This class was on time and very enthusiastic!
Here about half the students are male, it's funny when one of the guys is pretending the be the "mom".
We started class at 11 and didn't finish till 5:30. A long day and lots of information.
Besides the regular class of helping babies breathe, we talk a lot about delayed cord clamping, SBAR: how to call the Doctor, importance of skin to skin. We make it fun with lots of scenarios with dramatic mothers. I show several short videos. No one is board. If they look like they might have been listening and sitting still too long I get them moving with a scenario or holding their breath, etc
We finish with 3 exams and I have others come in and help me with the exams so each individual goes through each test, which is a hands on scenario.
It takes a long time with a big class and I'm so thankful for the help. Each time we re-evaluate and try to think of a more efficient way to test everyone.
We still have 2 more weeks and probably another 200 students do go through the class.
The students are "begging" to go through the principal said, so he is asking if I can plan on coming back next April.
