Before I left on my trip to Kenya a friend asked me if I'd be willing to speak at something she was putting together. She asked me what I'd like to talk about and I quickly said nutrition. I thought it was a going to be a few women. Well it turns out it was a conference with 70 women present!
Which as soon as I heard how big it was, I began to get super nervous.
I worked on my power point for days! trying to make it preactical and still get my point across.

God is stretching me! And when I finished I felt very accomplished! So thankful the Lord gave me the ability to do that. He's been changing me and it wasn't that long ago that even getting up in front of a small group I would be shaking so bad I couldn't speak!
I also saw lots of my clients from over the years. Grown kids that were babies many years ago!

They all enjoyed my talk and said how it gave them great ideas to feed their families healthier!